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Biblio: the search term namn=('Walden, Pirkko') results in 32 hits

1. Walden, Pirkko / Företagsekonomiska institutionen
  Expert systems in marketing decision making / Pirkko-Liisa Walden. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi. Företagsekonomiska institutionen, 1989. - 19 s. : ill. - (Memo-stencil. Preliminära forskningsrapporter ; 143).
ISBN 951-649-616-4
2. Walden, Pirkko / Företagsekonomiska institutionen
  Nyproduktlanseringar : en studie i framgångar och misslyckanden / Pirkko Walden . - Åbo : Åbo Akademi. Företagsekonomiska institutionen, 1989. - 130 s. : ill. - (Meddelanden från Ekonomisk-statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi. Serie A, ISSN 0358-5654 ; 275).
ISBN 951-649-531-1
UDC 658, 658.624
3. Walden, Pirkko / Företagsekonomiska institutionen
  Expert systems in strategic market management : modeling a strategic market management / by Pirkko Pirkko Walden. - Åbo : Åbo akademi. Företagsekonomiska institutionen, 1990. - 44 s. - (Memo-stencil. Preliminära forskningsrapporter, ISSN 0359-0011 ; 150).
ISBN 951-649-789-6
4. Walden, Pirkko / Företagsekonomiska institutionen
  Expert systems as conceptual frameworks for strategic market management / Christer Carlsson and Pirkko Pirkko Walden.
- In: Management research instruments / ed. by Christer Carlsson. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi. Företagsekonomiska insitutionen, 1990, s. 1-22. - (Meddelanden från Ekonomisk-statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi. Ser. A, ISSN 0358-5654 ; 316).
ISBN 951-649-758-6
UDC 65.012.4, 681.3, 65.01
5. Walden, Pirkko / Företagsekonomiska institutionen
  Expert systems and key marketing decisions / Pirkko Pirkko Walden. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi. Företagsekonomiska institutionen, 1991. - 21 s. : ill. - (Meddelanden från Ekonomisk-statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi. Ser. A, ISSN 0358-5654 ; nr 346).
ISBN 951-649-966-X
6. Walden, Pirkko / Företagsekonomiska institutionen
  Foundations of the use of expert systems in strategic market management / Pirkko Pirkko Walden. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi. Företagsekonomiska institutionen, 1991. - 26 s. : ill. - (Meddelanden från Ekonomisk-statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi. Ser. A, ISSN 0358-5654 ; nr 345).
ISBN 951-649-965-1
7. Walden, Pirkko / Företagsekonomiska institutionen
  Rule-based expert systems in strategic market management / Pirkko Pirkko Walden .
- In: Proceedings of the twenty-fourth annual Hawaii international conference on system sciences : vol. 3: decision support and knowledge-based systems and collaboration technology tracks / edited by Jay F. Nunamaker. - Los Alamitos, Calif. : IEE Computer Society Press, 1991, s. 111-121.
ISBN 0-8186-2121-4
8. Walden, Pirkko / Företagsekonomiska institutionen
  Strategic market management : modeling with expert systems / Pirkko Pirkko Walden. - Åbo : Åbo akademi. Företagsekonomiska institutionen, 1991. - 34 s : ill. - (Memo-stencil. Preliminära forskningsrapporter, ISSN 0359-0011 ; nr 156).
ISBN 951-649-840-X
9. Walden, Pirkko / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research
  Enhancing strategic market management with knowledge-based systems / Pirkko Pirkko Walden and Christer Carlsson. - Åbo : Åbo akademi, 1992. - 15 bl. : ill. - (Research reports / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research, ISSN 1235-9505 ; 1992, 2). Även i: Proceedings of the HICSS-26 Conference, 1992, s. 240-249.
ISBN 951-650-129-X
10. Walden, Pirkko / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research
  Expert systems in strategic market management / by Pirkko Pirkko Walden. - Åbo : Åbo akademis förlag, 1992. - 383 s.
ISBN 952-9616-15-5
11. Walden, Pirkko / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research
  Knowledge-based systems in strategic market management / C. Carlsson, P. Walden .
- In: TIMS/ORSA bulletin, ISSN 0161-0295, (1992) 34, s. 110. Technology and innovation in a global economy : ORSA/TIMS joint national meeting, Hilton Hotel, San Fransisco, November 2-4, 1992.

12. Walden, Pirkko / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research
  Marketing decision-making using knowledge-based systems / by Pirkko Pirkko Walden och Malin Brännback.
- In: Do new technologies help or hinder marketing decision?, Rotterdam, (The Netherlands), 11th-13th May 1992 : seminar on / /utg. av/ E.S.O.M.A.R.. - Amsterdam : European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research, 1992, s. 125-144.
ISBN 92-831-1185-0
13. Walden, Pirkko / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research
  Objekt-oriented expert systems in strategic market management / Pirkko Pirkko Walden. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1992. - 35 s. : ill. - (Meddelanden från Ekonomisk-statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi. Ser. A, ISSN 0358-5654 ; 360).
ISBN 951-650-030-7
14. Walden, Pirkko / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research
  Object-oriented expert systems in strategic market management / P. Walden.
- In: New technologies for new management : EURO 12 / TIMS 31, joint international conference, Helsinki, Finland, June 29-July 1 1992 : operational research / management science. - Helsinki : Helsinki University of Technology, 1992, s. 93 .

15. Walden, Pirkko / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research
  Cognitive maps and the hyperknowledge support system in strategic management / Christer Carlsson and Pirkko Pirkko Walden. - Åbo : Åbo Academy University, 1994. - 31 bl. : ill., diagr., tab. - (Research reports / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research, ISSN 1235-9505 ; 1994, 5).
ISBN 951-650-423-X
16. Walden, Pirkko / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research
  Strategic management with a hyperknowledge support system / P. Walden and C. Carlsson.
- In: Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Hawaii Internal Conference on Sciences [held in Waitea, Hawaii on January 4-7, 1994] : vol. 3: information systems, decision support and knowledge-based systems / edited by Jay F. Nunamaker, Jr and Ralph H. Sprague, Jr.. - Los Alamitos (CA) : IEEE Computer Society Press, 1994, s. 241-250.
ISBN 0-8186-5070-2 0-8186-5071-0
17. Walden, Pirkko / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research
  Strategic planning is strategy information : with a knowledge based support system / Christer Carlsson and Pirkko Pirkko Walden. - Åbo : Åbo Academy University, 1994. - 27 bl. : ill. - (Research reports / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research, ISSN 1235-9505 ; 1994, 7).
ISBN 951-650-501-5
18. Walden, Pirkko / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research
  WOODSTRAT : a support system for strategic management / Pirkko Pirkko Walden, Ossi Kokkonen and Christer Carlsson. - Åbo : Åbo Academy University, 1994. - 13 bl. : ill. - (Research reports / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research, ISSN 1235-9505 ; 1994, 3).
ISBN 951-650-421-3
19. Walden, Pirkko / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research
  Active DSS and hyperknowledge : creating strategic vision / Pirkko Pirkko Walden and Christer Carlsson.
- In: Third European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing, Aachen, Germany, August, 28-31, 1995 / [Hrsg: Hans-Jürgen Zimmermann]. - Aachen : Verlag Mainz, Wissenschaftsverlag, 1995, s. 1216-1222. EUFIT'95.
ISBN 3-930911-67-1
20. Walden, Pirkko / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research
  AHP in political group desicions : a study in the art of possibilities / C. Carlsson and P. Walden.
- In: Interfaces, ISSN 0092-2102, vol. 25 (1995) no. 4, s. 14-29.

21. Walden, Pirkko / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research
  Hyperknowledge and expert systems : a case study of knowledge formation process / Pirkko Pirkko Walden and Christer Carlsson.
- In: Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Hawaii Internal Conference on System Sciences [held in Waitea, Hawaii on January 3-6, 1995] : vol. 3: information systems, decision support and knowledge-based systems / edited by Jay F. Nunamaker...[et al.]. - Los Alamitos (CA) : IEEE Computer Society Press, 1995, s. 73-82.
ISBN 0-8186-6940-3
22. Walden, Pirkko / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research
  Distributed system development in B / M. Butler and Pirkko Walden.
- In: 1st Conference on the B method : November, 24-25-26, 1996, Nantes, (France) : proceedings / editor: Henri Habrias. - Nantes : IRIN-IUT, 1996, s. 155-168.
ISBN 2-906082-25-2
23. Walden, Pirkko / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research
  Refining active systems within B-tool / Pirkko Walden and K. Sere.
- In: FME '96, Industrial Benefit and Advances in Formal Methods : proceedings : third international symposium of formal methods Europe, co-sponsored by IFIP WG 14.3, Oxford, UK, March 18-22, 1996 / Marie-Claude Gaudel, James Woodcock (eds) . - Berlin ; New York : Springer, 1996, s. 85-104. - (Lecture notes in computer science ; 1051).
ISBN 3-540-60973-3
24. Walden, Pirkko / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research
  Reverse engineering distributed algorithms / K. Sere and P. Walden.
- In: Journal of software maintenance, ISSN 1040-550X, 8 (1996) 2, s. 117-144.

25. Walden, Pirkko / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research
  Woodstrat : a support system for strategic management / Pirkko Pirkko Walden, Ossi Kokkonen and Christer Carlsson.
- In: Information technology for management : improving quality and productivity / Efraim Turban, Ephraim McLean, James Wetherbe. - New York : Wiley, 1996, s. 148-154. Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
ISBN 0-47158059-7
26. Walden, Pirkko / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research
  Managers and hyperknowledge : computer support with practical dimensions / Pirkko Pirkko Walden.
- In: EUFIT'96 : fourth European congress on intelligent techniques and soft computing, Aachen, Germany, September 2 - 5, 1996 : proceedings : vol. 2 / hrsg. von Hans-Jürgen Zimmermann. - Aachen : Mainz, 1996, s. 1353-1363.
ISBN 3-89653-187-5
27. Walden, Pirkko / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research
  Cognitive maps and a hyperknowledge support system in strategic management / Christer Carlsson and Pirkko Walden.
- In: Group decision and negotiation, ISSN 0926-2644, 6 (1997) s. 7-36.

28. Walden, Pirkko / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research
  Knowledge-based systems for strategic management / Pirkko Walden and Christer Carlsson.
- In: New roles and challenges for information professionals in the business environment : papers presented at FID Information for Industry Conferences and Seminars from 1993-1994 / edited by Karl Kalseth, Virginia Cano, Theresa Stanton. - The Hague : International Federation for Information and Documentation (FID), 1996, s. 55-66. - (FID occasional paper ; 12).
ISBN 92-66-00712-9
29. Walden, Pirkko / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research
  More effective strategic management with hyperknowledge : the Woodstrat case / Christer Carlsson and Pirkko Walden. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1995. - 26 bl. : diagr., ill., tab. - (Research reports / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research, ISSN 1235-9505 ; 1995, 3). Abstract.
ISBN 951-650-597-X
30. Walden, Pirkko / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research
  More effective strategic management with hyperknowledge : the Woodstrat case / Christer Carlsson and Pirkko Walden.
- In: Journal of decision systems = Revue des systèmes de décision 6 (1997) s. 23-44.

31. Walden, Pirkko / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research
  On fuzzy hyperknowledge support systems / Christer Carlsson and Pirkko Walden. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1995. - 15 bl. : ill. - (Research reports / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research, ISSN 1235-9505 ; 1995, 1). Abstract. Även i: Motro, Ai. and Tennenholz, M. (eds.), The Second International Workshop on Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems, Naharia 1995, s. 106-115.
ISBN 951-650-570-8
32. Walden, Pirkko / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research
  Re-engineering strategic management with a hyperknowledge support system / Christer Carlsson, Pirkko Walden.
- In: Proceedings of the 13th Nordic Conference on Business Studies : August 14-16 1995, Copenhagen, Denmark : vol. 2 / editors John K. Christiansen ... [et al.]. - [København] : Copenhagen Business School, 1995, s. 423-437. Kongress: Nordiska företagsekonomiska ämneskonferensen (13 : 1995 : Köpenhamn).
ISBN 87-89550-08-0